Ève Demaillot

Antoine-François Ève, also known under the name Ève Demaillot and the pseudonyms Antoine-François Ève-Démaillot, Démaillot, Ève Démaillot, Desmaillot, Maillot, Des Maillots..., was an 18th-century French comedian, man of letters, journalist and revolutionary.
A volunteer in the royal army at eighteen, he deserted after a few years and fled to Amsterdam, where he held for seven years the acting profession. Back in France, he was tutor to Saint-Just for some time and played comedies and opéras comiques. In 1789, he also turned to journalism and engaged in the revolutionary movement.
An agent of the Committee of Public Safety in 1794, he was imprisoned for a while during the Thermidorian Reaction. Dedicated to journalism and theater after his release, he directed the character of in several of his plays.
Hostile to the regime introduced by Bonaparte after the coup of 18 Brumaire, he participated in the attempted coup led by general Malet in October 1812 and spent several years in jail under the Consulat and the Empire.
